75 Acts of Caring
Acts of caring have transformed River Garden into a loving home and family for so many generations. Today, your act of caring will help sustain River Garden’s enduring legacy of excellence for years to come.
A Message from Our Chairs
The River Garden Foundation Gala raises significant funds which enable the highest level of care, support and services for our seniors. While we aren’t able to gather in person again this year, we have the opportunity to think differently about how to honor River Garden and its incredible 75 years of service.
We are thrilled to announce 75 Acts of Caring – a meaningful campaign to highlight the miracles that River Garden residents and staff experience daily. Now through November 20, you have the opportunity to symbolically sponsor a variety of caring acts and the chance to participate in some hands-on acts of caring to show your support for River Garden. Together we will raise funds and awareness of what makes River Garden a unique and highly-regarded leader in senior care. We invite you to join us in ensuring River Garden’s legacy as a special place where people come together to experience the care respect and love they so richly deserve.
For more information, contact Christina Levine at 904-886-8430 or email clevine@rivergarden.org