I Will Give Them an Everlasting Name with Author Sam Cox
November 13 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Please pre-register with River Garden for complimentary lunch
Please pre-register with River Garden for complimentary lunch
November 13, 2024
Cohen Auditorium
This event is a part of the Jacksonville Cultural arts Festival Presented by the Jewish Community Alliance (JCA)
Samuel Cox is a retired US Army Reserve officer, an educator for four decades, and a lifelong student of the Holocaust. From 1994-1999 he taught a Holocaust class at St. Johns Country Day School in Orange Park, Florida, where he came to know the ten friends he writes about in this book. A unique approach to Holocaust literature, Sam’s book shares the compelling stories of eight Jews, a Righteous Gentile, and a liberator, all connected by the Holocaust and Jacksonville, Florida. *Lunch will be provided. Jack & Sam Documentary short | 20 min will be shown at this event.